Saturday, February 21, 2009


I appreciate FaceBook for helping me to reconnect with people I used to know. I also like that I can control who these people are. That's right Tammy Motsick I know you want to be my friend, but that's never gonna happen. (Insert evil laugh) But and this is a big BUT, everytime I go on I have one million notifications (example of hyperbole). I feel such pressure. If I don't go on it the notifications will just pile up. I don't want people to think I am rude or blowing them off but I really just want to know such interesting tidbits as:
1. Which bitchy girls in high school got fat? (Answer: all except Tracey but she still fake tans)
2. How Eric Tjossem got to Australia and who is the beautiful woman next to him?
3. If Jon Bell still remembers me. (He's too cool for a fb page)
4. Anything Canto, Sonnek, Bortot or Gwen has to say. (Because they are awe-some)
5. Being bitchy with Julie Maria even though she is in Italy. (We had it down to a science in high school and can just pick up where we left off.)
6. Keeping up with my brother and Melinda. (It might be the only way I know when he gets married. I'm not kidding.)

I also love flair! I can't help it I have always been a sucker for buttons with quirky sayings.

I am losing my mind. I don't know how to be a vampire or fight the mafia. What do these things mean? I just want to talk to a few old friends. Am I crazy? I had no idea FB could be so time consuming.

To my loyal readers who are facebook users (Sorry Ann), know that I love and appreciate each and everyone of you. Tell me how you deal with all the notifications and if it tends to die down once people have been on facebook for awhile?


Holly said...

Don't ask me. The notifications drove me to abandon facebook for a long time! It's been weeks since I've been on. The pressure, the pressure!

chad.02 said...

ok, this year i vow to check out this facebook business.

Anonymous said...

I have felt the pressure too. In fact, I recently had to stop myself from doing more of those lists that I thought people might be tired of me doing and then tagging them. I have had to start ignoring some of these too. I can't bring myself to do the plants. Oddly enough I still feel the pressure to send drinks. Explain that one!

City Dweller Suburban Drone said...

Okay, let's make a pact that we won't send stupid things to each other and Chad if you join the fb community will you be my friend. I want to see what you look like.:)

chad.02 said...

i look like a rubic's cube that has only white and blue squares w/ a gnome within turning the sides

What Now? said...

I used a secret portal and got to browse Facebook without joining the cult. It was both fascinating and terrifying. I'm going to try to resist taking another hit.